Leadership Insights: What’s your vision for 2022?

Leadership Insights: What’s your vision for 2022?

Leadership Insights: What’s your vision for 2022?

Chief Leadership Development Officer, EWF

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Our new year has just begun, and it is a time when many people create New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do create manifestations.

At the beginning of each year, I design my year by asking myself several questions that clarify my year’s intentions. When I ask the questions, I allow ample time for reflection to gain clarity on what I want to realize each year. I firmly believe that I hear the most when I am silent. So, I ask my questions, and I get quiet to hear the answers. I ask What do I want to experience this year? What do I want to be different by this time next year? How do I want to grow? What do our women need to compete for higher-level roles that we can offer? What impact do we want the Leadership Academy to have for the women in our community? And in the asking, the reflecting, and the silences, my answers emerge. 

The new year is a great time to design your personal and professional vision for the year.”

All leadership begins with a vision. Stephen Covey identified as one of the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People – ‘begin with the end in mind.’ In the EWF’s class “The Leader Within,” each participant creates a vision board of 2-3 specific items they want to move toward realizing during the class. They begin with the end in mind. The new year is a great time to design your personal and professional vision for the year. We all could benefit from beginning the new year with the end in mind. Having a vision focuses our attention on what matters most. In creating an annual vision for ourselves, we can take active steps toward realizing that vision. All effective and influential leaders do.

Come and learn about our latest course, Leading with Conversational Intelligence! There will be an information session on 5/31/2023 and 6/14/2023. For more information on how to register, click here.

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