Ann Johnson – Corporate Vice President, Microsoft

Why is the EWF Sisterhood important to you and how was it influenced your leadership?

“Every day, I am reminded of and optimistic about some of the progress made in driving equality for women worldwide. At the same time, I am disappointed and frustrated by current events–and the dialogue and action against what should be fundamental rights for women. Not just here in the US – but around the world. Being part of EWF helps to realize the progress we have made and the progress we need to make. For me–this ‘two steps forward, one back’ reality sparks a sense of urgency to speak up and out on issues that affect women. It spotlights the role allies play in driving progress. And it underscores the importance of celebrating women everywhere.”

I am an inclusive leader.


More about Ann

Ann Johnson is Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Security Business Development–overseeing the long-term investment and partnership strategies for security, compliance, identity, management, and privacy. She is a recognized thought leader on cybersecurity and a sought-after global speaker and digital author specializing in cyber resilience, online fraud, cyberattacks, compliance and security.

Ann challenges traditional schools of thought and cyber-norms–from the way the tech industry is tackling cyber threats to the language it uses to communicate–and encourages the industry to get outside its comfort zones and expand how we address the evolving threat landscape with the power of technology and people. As a global cybersecurity influencer and strategist who regularly engages with C-level decision makers, she is looking ahead at how today’s cybersecurity investments will impact tomorrow’s cybersecurity reality.

Ann currently serves on the boards and as a board advisor of the Security Advisor Alliance, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), Executive Women’s Forum, and is Executive Sponsor of the Microsoft Women in Security Group and co-executive sponsor of Microsoft GLEAM, the company’s LGBTQ+ employee resource group. Ann also services on the Board of Directors for Seattle Humane, Human, N-Able.

Learn about other EWF members and why the EWF sisterhood is important to them:

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